Steer is committed to successfully operating as a Net Zero Carbon company by 2025.
In 2022, Steer became Carbon Neutral. We will be net zero carbon by 2025 and near zero carbon by 2030 through less than 50% offsetting, and only with offsetting that is local to our operations and consistent with our social values.
Our aim is to embody decarbonisation and wider sustainable development goals through all aspects of our work, strategies, planning, and day-to-day activities.
We are committed to using our expertise to help our clients and the wider society transition to a sustainable, low-carbon future. This means working alongside our clients and partners, advising and guiding them with expertise, knowledge, and data to address the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities of decarbonisation across all of our services, sectors, and geographies.
Our net zero carbon by 2025 commitment was developed by our employees, for our employees. They work in partnership with our clients on infrastructure, places, people, and transport, taking us all towards a Net Zero Carbon future.
Our Carbon Reduction Plan
Our Carbon Reduction Plan conforms to the requirements of Procurement Policy Note PPN06/21 and helps us and our clients meet our sustainability goals. You can find it on our Policies page.