TDM & behavior change

Our towns and cities are becoming ever more congested and polluted and with limited capital budgets and space at a premium, effective low-cost solutions to manage travel demand are increasingly being sought. Transportation demand management (TDM) and behavior change are proven to help reduce congestion and improve mobility, while bringing wider benefits like reduced emissions, both carbon and those impacting air quality, wider public health impacts, and local economic growth.

Our team is experienced in the planning and delivery of TDM initiatives. This includes area-wide and event-based strategies, employer-led commuter programs, Safe Routes to School (SRTS) planning, and the delivery of large scale neighborhood programs such as individualized marketing. We are adept at measuring behavior change and delivering clear and concise reporting, making a compelling case for change to secure funding and inform decision-making.

We have been at the forefront of TDM and behavior change for over two decades. We apply techniques often adapted from other sectors to design and deliver innovative approaches to influence travel behavior. We have a range of analytical tools to refine our approach to best meet clients’ specific needs and context.

Our team is committed to sustainable travel - we practice what we preach - but our solutions are pragmatic and grounded in realism at the nexus of current and future mobility and connectivity solutions. We work in partnership with our clients to deliver solutions that are built around unique local circumstances.

How we can help you

We can help both public and private sector clients on project development and delivery, or work as part of larger program teams to support the roll-out of capital projects such as new infrastructure or transit services. Our core offer includes:

  • TDM strategies and plans (regional, local, and site level)
  • Transportation Management Association/Organization (TMA/TMO) management
  • Individualized marketing and personalized travel planning
  • Employer outreach and commuter program support
  • Engagement and consultation
  • Behavior change monitoring & evaluation
  • TDM Ordinance development
  • Market analysis and surveys
  • Destination and event TDM
  • Digital solutions
  • Parking management policy and strategy

We are Steer

Yes, you are in the right place. After 40 years, we have changed our name from Steer Davies Gleave to mark our growing international footprint and our expanding portfolio into markets beyond transportation.

Explore our new website to learn more about Steer: who we are, how we work and what our future holds.