Steer, supported by Hatch, was appointed to develop a Preliminary Business Case for Toronto-Windsor High Speed Rail (HSR). The proposed HSR service connecting Windsor, London, Kitchener-Waterloo and Toronto is part of the provincial government's long-term transit and infrastructure plan, Moving Ontario Forward.
How we helped
The scope of work included a review of planning and transportation policy, option infrastructure and operations development, ridership and revenue forecasting, and cost estimation. The work also included consideration of the accommodation of the expanded commuter service Go Rail Kitchener and HSR on the same corridor, including operations and associated infrastructure.
The technical analysis undertaken was integrated into a 4-case Business Case document, setting out the planning policy context, the options considered, and the strategic, economic, financial, and delivery impacts of the project.
Successes and outcomes
Overall, there was a positive case for the project, and development is continuing with an Environmental Assessment underway for the proposed first phase of the project (Toronto-London).
The study also supported the parallel work being undertaken by the Province’s Special Advisor on High Speed Rail, the Honourable David Collenette. Tasked to work with public and private stakeholders as well as indigenous communities, the Special Advisor reported on the economic development opportunities, international HSR experience, potential financing and delivery models, and advised on the preliminary business case produced, with the report culminating in a recommended path forward to bring HSR to Ontario.