The Town of LaSalle is adjacent to the City of Windsor, Ontario, and its urban fabric is contiguous with Windsor. However, the Town lacked a transit system and wanted to enable new transit travel opportunities for its residents.
They commissioned Steer to assess the potential demand and nature of a transit service.
How we helped
We developed and costed a concept for a single-route, two-bus system, and created ridership and revenue estimates. We then developed implementation details, including routing, service levels, a fare structure to complement the Transit Windsor fare structure and staging.
Our work included a review of service delivery options, including in-house operation, contracting Windsor Transit and contracting to a private operator. We recommended contracting service to Windsor Transit in order to simplify fare integration and schedule coordination.
Successes and outcomes
Our work found that the service would be well-used, and could be effectively integrated with Windsor’s existing transit network. Our statistically valid survey of LaSalle also revealed strong support for a modest tax increase to fund transit.
As result of these findings, Council approved our recommendations. Our deliverables included details steps for staff on implementation, including marketing suggestions.
LaSalle’s local transit service launched in August 2017 and continues to this day.