Guidelines will help to deliver Edmonton’s transportation goals

Steer Davies Gleave has been retained by the City of Edmonton to update the City’s Level of Service guidelines and develop Transportation Impact Assessment guidelines. These guidelines will help to deliver the City’s goals, which include transportation mode shift, sustainability, and transportation and land use integration.

As many cities develop and expand, it is becoming increasingly evident that they can’t or don’t wish to continue to build and expand their existing road network to facilitate the increasing demand. This realization is shifting their focus towards making the best use of the existing road infrastructure to support all modes of transportation and to provide more sustainable travel solutions.

The new guidelines will be multimodal, and include automobiles, transit, cycling, walking, and goods and servicing. They will provide a comprehensive set of tools for City staff and the development industry, provide a framework for the use and development of the transportation network, to support and deliver on the City’s goals.


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