Italy’s Strada dei Parchi upgrade receives financing

The concessionaires Atlantia and Toto Group reached financial close this week for Italy’s ‘Strada dei Parchi’ upgrade project for a capital value of €570.5m. Strada dei Parchi (the A24/A25) is a motorway linking Rome to the Adriatic coast. The financing is intended to fund Strada dei Parchi’s planned investments and maintenance over 2011-13, and the servicing for the duration of the concession, due to expire in 2030.

Crediop Dexia and Société Générale Corporate & Investment Banking have acted as joint lead arrangers for the project and financing operation. In addition to the lead arrangers, the financing was supported by a pool of lending banks including: Banca Infrastrutture Innovazione e Sviluppo, Ing Bank, Mps Capital Services, Unicredit and WestLB AG. Strada dei Parchi is also seeking the involvement of EIB in the project.

Steer Davies Gleave’s Rome office has acted as technical and traffic advisor on this project, which is the first PPP motorway in Italy.


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