New Madrid-Lisbon high speed rail station

Steer Davies Gleave has been commissioned by AVEP to undertake an 8-month study to investigate the most appropriate business model to deliver a new international rail station on the Madrid-Lisbon high speed line.

The new station, located on the border, will be managed jointly between the two countries and will serve Badajoz in Spain and Elvas in Portugal, which are less than 10km apart.

Appropriate business models, contracting and finance will be investigated to ensure that the appropriate laws and regulations of both countries are met. The study will benchmark models used in similar international developments and use this information to identify and define the most appropriate business models which could be applied.

Notes to the Editor

  1. AVEP was set up by the Spanish and Portuguese `Ministries of Transport` to promote, plan and develop the international high speed rail line.
  2. The new station is planned to be open in 2013.

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