Nicola Kane joins Steer after eight years at Transport for Greater Manchester, where she was Head of Strategic Planning, Insight, and Innovation. She led the development of Greater Manchester’s award-winning fourth local transport plan (Greater Manchester Transport Strategy for 2040); and a supporting Five-year Transport Delivery Plan, which formed the basis of the combined authority’s recent £1bn+ City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement.
Nicola also played a key role in developing new policy agendas, such as a Streets for All Strategy and new City Centre Transport Strategy; transport decarbonisation analysis; and new mobility programmes, including e-cargobike, EV car club and e-scooter trials.
Prior to joining TfGM, Nicola spent 15 years working in consultancy roles at Peter Brett Associates and JMP Consultants on area-wide transport strategies, masterplans, major planning applications and travel behaviour change projects. Nicola is a chartered town planner (MRTPI) and transport planning professional (TPP) and was awarded TPS Transport Planner of the Year in 2017.