Toronto’s UP Express air-rail link named Project of the Year

The Union Pearson Express (UP Express) airport rail link in Toronto has won the Project of the Year Award at the Global AirRail Awards in Frankfurt, Germany. Steer Davies Gleave has supported Metrolinx throughout the planning of this project, specifically preparing the ridership and revenue forecasts for this new service.

The UP Express is due to commence operations in spring 2015. It will provide a fast, direct rail connection for thousands of passengers a day from downtown Toronto to Pearson International Airport, with a journey time of 25 minutes and a frequency of four trains an hour.

Steer Davies Gleave Director, Fred Beltrandi, said: “Steer Davies Gleave has a long history of working on air-rail links and we have been supporting the UP Express project for some time now. It’s great to see the project now acknowledged as a world leader among air-rail links.”

About the award: Twelve judges from air and rail industries evaluated the entries and chose this year’s winners. The Project of the Year award is given to a project that is contributing, or will contribute greatly to future air-rail services.


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