The Woodlands Township new transit plan

Since Fall 2013, Steer Davies Gleave has been examining the growing mobility challenges in and around The Woodlands Township (North of Houston, Texas). The current and future traffic congestion, combined with the demand for transit and more active transportation choices, required a comprehensive look at mobility.

We produced a multi-step plan to engage with stakeholders and to identify potential transit improvements. The Woodlands Township Board of Directors accepted the plan in March 2015. Key recommendations included:

  • Develop a central bus network to serve the core business, commercial and recreational district of The Woodlands Town Center;
  • Expand the Town Center bus network to serve additional residential and activity centers across The Woodlands Township;
  • Improve the existing regional park and township services by providing more frequencies, destinations and better marketing for the express bus services;
  • Capitalize on the significant growth in employment within The Woodlands and provide regional express bus services delivering passengers into the major employment centers.

Woodlands Transit Plan

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